February 18 - March 19

October 31, 2014
Doing a little research will pay off handsomely. If you're in the market to buy something expensive, do some online price comparisons. You could find a wonderful deal on electronics. Ignore fancy labels. A humble company that crafts quality merchandise may manufacture the best model for your purposes. Don't let a flirtatious salesperson throw you off your game. Set your sights on the item you want and do not be derailed by a slick pitch. Falling victim to flattery could result in buyer's remorse.
Weekly Horoscopes
Taking a trip for pleasure would be a very good idea. You can get a good deal on hotel rooms and plane tickets. If you're in love, this will be a marvellous opportunity to connect with your partner. The two of you will enjoy a change of scenery. Don't be surprised if you feel creatively inspired on this journey. Launching a written, music or design project will make you excited about the future. A well connected friend can put your work into the hands of a publisher, agent or manager.
A close friend is forcing you to choose between them and a new lover. They may not approve of your choice of partner but they don't have the right to tell you to end it. Your choice is between two very different kinds of happiness. You appreciate your friendships. You're a big romantic. The fact that your friend is giving you this ultimatum says a lot about their attitude. Romance will come first. Even so a last-minute change of weekend plans will upset an evening date.
October 2014 Horoscope
Stand firm against peer pressure in the opening days of October. Your nearest and dearest are trying to get you to embrace conventional wisdom, but that doesn't have much appeal for you. Going against the grain has always been your style. A Lunar Eclipse on the 8th brings an abrupt end to a source of income. In a strange way, this will be liberating. Once you break free of an oppressive employer, you'll find a more meaningful way to earn a living. Opportunities related to art, diplomacy and advertising will be especially attractive. A Solar Eclipse on the 23rd allows you to make money from your expertise. Putting your creative talent to work will be stimulating. It looks like you'll be working alongside some extremely accomplished people, too. The end of October ends on a definite high note. Your star is on the rise; enjoy the ride.