November 22 - December 20

April 30, 2014 Finding solutions to complicated problems at work is rewarding. Don't be surprised if you're given an award or bonus. The powers that be are impressed by your positive attitude. While everyone else is complaining about flawed conditions, you're busy improving them. Are you out of work? You might want to take a series of temporary jobs to make ends meet. A steady career opportunity will arrive when you want it most. This time of trial and error will pay off sooner than you think. Weekly Horoscopes Adopting a new health regimen will bring surprising results. A sensible diet will boost your energy. Suddenly, you will be able to do twice the work you've done in the past. A once-challenging job will seem like child's play. Best of all, your desire for intimacy will be enhanced. Those closest to you will have some suggestions about who would be a good friend or partner for you. If you're interested it might be fun to see how things work out. Relationships: You have more influence over some people than you may realise. Others often look to you to take the lead in group situations. They value your views and opinions. You sense there's going to be some contention when certain people get together. So find a way to separate them without them realising what you are up to. In your closest relationships someone has to give a little in order to keep things sweet between you. That person will probably be you. April 2014 Horoscope Resist the urge to spend lots of money as a means to impress a romantic interest in early April. Spontaneous gestures of affection will make a bigger impression than expensive gifts. Make a few beautifying touches to your home during the first week of the month, when you'll be able to find gorgeous furnishings and artwork at discount prices. It will be pointless to argue about religious or ethical matters with a relative mid-month. Neither one of you is going to budge. A Lunar Eclipse on the 15th puts an end to a troubled friendship. You'll breathe a heavy sigh of relief. Be extra resourceful with your money near Easter, when unexpected expenses will meet you at every turn. Fortunately, you'll get a lucrative job offer on or around the 29th, when a Solar Eclipse electrifies your sixth house of work and service.