November 22 - December 20

September 30, 2014
You're outgoing and independent. Striking in a new direction will be gratifying. Pursue a romance with someone who never ceases to surprise you. By joining forces with them you will build a life based on adventure. Your first order of business may be taking a trip to an exotic country. You and your amour will enjoy being steeped in a culture that is radically different from your own. Be sure to take lots of photos to serve as a reminder of this magical time.
Weekly Horoscopes
Don't discuss your private life at work. Although you yearn for a confidante, it's important to find one that isn't connected to work. Going to a party will bring a much needed opportunity to make new friends. You're particularly drawn to people who share your interest in sports, music and travel. Be sure to follow up on a book or movie recommendation that is given. This work could have a profound influence on your life. The right materials often arrive at the time you need them most.
When some social plans don't go as arranged, this could be a blessing in disguise. You might find yourself with people or in a place you would not have been in otherwise and this could have special consequences. A partner is expecting you to bend over backwards for them. If this is unusual for them and you value your relationship, don't begrudge having to put their needs first. Wouldn't they do the same for you if the shoe was on the other foot?
September 2014 Horoscope
Working with a large group proves fulfilling as August turns to September. You'll make a great impression on a powerful executive in the early part of the month. Take this opportunity to ask for a raise or promotion. Treat yourself to a shopping expedition around the 5th and buy a single wardrobe essential that makes you feel fabulous. The Full Moon on the 9th reminds you of the importance of family. Schedule some quality time with your nearest and dearest. Encouragement from an accomplished artist prompts you to work toward a childhood dream. You'll have to be fairly aggressive to get your point across during the second half of September. It's better to be feared than loved during this active period. The New Moon on the 24th is perfect for attending a social event. You're sure to make some dynamic friends at this gathering. Sparks will fly between you and a cultured newcomer at month's end.