August 31, 2014
Avoid unnecessary extravagance. This isn't a good time to splash out on a status symbol. Conserve your resources for essentials like food, housing and utilities. Having money in reserve will give you peace of mind. If you feel vulnerable, lean on a romantic or business partner for support. Normally, you're the strong one. Changing roles will be good for the both of you. A creative block is making you nervous. When you're strapped for ideas, focus on mundane chores.
Weekly Horoscopes
Getting your household ship shape will increase your productivity. Assign a place for everything you own. This will save time, energy and frustration. Get rid of anything you haven't used in over a year. Store seasonal items neatly away where they won't interfere with your daily routine. Schedule a short trip for pleasure. Visiting a nearby friend or relative will appeal to your sentimental side. You'll love talking about old times with someone who shared these experiences.
It's easy to reach agreements when you're in a sensitive and giving frame of mind. Someone makes excuses for a mistake they made. You feel they should have been more careful but you will give them the benefit of the doubt. Happiness in love and in friendship has a lot to do with how much effort you put into your relationships. Since this week you are focused on pleasing other people, positive developments in your social life will give you a renewed sense of contentment.
August 2014 Horoscope
You won't be able to charm your boss or authority figure out of a penalty in early August. It's better to take your medicine and move on with your life. An exciting moneymaking opportunity will arrive during the first week of the month; be prepared to negotiate for a better rate than you are initially offered. A love affair could begin while taking a class or studying with a respected expert; sparks will fly the moment you lay eyes on each other. Resist the urge to buy a child's affection. An expensive gift is no substitute for quality time. The Full Moon on the 10th forces you to dig deep to pay a debt. A powerful business or romantic partner will get good news in the second half of August, triggering a marvellous celebration. Be realistic when planning a short trip around the 25th. Time will be limited.