California - UPI
Nearly 1,000 pieces of Disney memorabilia that date back to the park's early days, from ashtrays used in Disney hotels to costumes and uniforms worn by employees and performers, is up for grabs in an auction that begins Saturday.
The collection, called The Story of Disneyland, includes dozens of costumes, printed items such as posters, press kits and internal-planning documents and other assorted pieces. All of the items come from one collector who lives in southern California and works in the animation industry, Van Eaton Galleries owner Mike Van Eaton said.
"The ultimate collectibles from Disneyland are the show items -- the costumes, signs and figures that were made for use in the park -- literally made to be a part of the Disneyland experience for guests," Van Eaton wrote in the catalogue, viewable online.
The auction, with items dating from 1950s through the 1980s, is expected to fetch more than $1 million. Some items will go for as little as $50, while others -- such as an original skeleton from Disneyland's Pirates of the Caribbean -- are expected to sell at $90,000.
The bidding for lots 1 through 479 opens on Saturday at 11 a.m. PST, and lots 480 to 859 on Sunday at 11 a.m. PST. Online bids can be submitted at

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